A pleasant surprise this afternoon after I got home from work.
Tracks are from the forthcoming 'Keep It Hid'. I am also happy to say I have tickets for his El Rey show-
tracks from Dan Auerbach solo album..
(my) Top Albums of 2008
Let me just say, it was a tough list. Initially, I didn't think it would be but, #1 and #2 could have gone either way. I didn't get a chance to see No Age this year - every single instance, my own fault. Nonetheless, while seemingly less-polished, they deliver an indie/underground debut that could only be described as a call to arms for noise-pop to come back from the shadows and 'polish yourself up', just a bit.
I did get a chance to see Deerhunter (who were at the top of my list for shows next to ...Trail of Dead, again..) and the trip during each song made it quite an experience. It made me start spinning the Florescent Grey EP again and maybe that pushed it to the top but...
Best Albums of 2008
Deerhunter - Microcastle
Your guide to drenching sparkling '60's pop in a shoe-gazer's embrace. This may be a clue to what the 13th Floor Elevators may have done with a BOSS-202 sample pad. C'mon Roky!
No Age - Nouns
Everything you wanted to hear as a previous listener of 'Weirdo Rippers' and a memorable welcome to new listeners alike. Times New Viking could be at the top of a lot of lists with an album that also learns to harness the treble.
The Black Keys - Attack and Release
The Black Keys and Dangermouse? Did you listen to it? No more questions. My favorite band from Akron. Yeah, I know the other ones too. Dangermouse did his thing, Auerback and Carney did theirs and it was a match made in a single-project heaven. I really enjoyed the album - live, sans Dangermouse, it was a BK garage-jam attack that blew my mind. That said, while it was a great album, I'm not jonesing to hear another project with Dangermouse. Not only does it protect the albums credibility but it allows the Keys to move beyond.
TV on the Radio - Dear Science
The world of music will always need albums where guitars are traded for synths and hand-claps. I'm glad I live in a world with TVOTR. That tells you nothing about the album but, just buy it. No regrets will be had.
Brendan Canning - Something For All of Us
This didn't show up in any lists, I'm sure. I'll admit I'm a BSS whore - moving from one project to another but, be it a time and place, well-spaced listen, this album was a pleasure to listen to all the way through. 'Churches Under the Stairs' became an instant favorite late in my spins.
Want to send me your lists? I'll post them.
Email me
farewell to Dirty on Purpose.
One of my favorite bands of the past few years is deciding to call it a day. All the members are working on other projects. I'm inclined to follow the main guitarist and drummer to their band Neckbeard Telecaster (no offense to the other members, it's just that name is rad.) :)
I first saw/heard them on Subterranean when the show debuted 'No Radio':
Couple other favs:
'Light Pollution'
'Your Summer Dress'
(recording kind of sucks - check the album version on their only full-length LP 'Hallelujah Sirens')
Richard Wright passes away at 65.
I was very saddened to read the morning report on NME.com concerning Mr. Wright's passing and hate that my most recent update is another obituary (of sorts) but, it is to an amazing musician.
Rick's warm and rich keyboards along with contributing vocals were an essential ingredient to the Pink Floyd we all love.
Pink Floyd - 'Us and Them' (From Live At Pompeii)
He always seemed like a super-nice guy. It's a shame I was never able to shake his hand.
QOTSA and Friends - Celebration of Natasha Shneider
An amazing show dedicated to an amazing person. Set list says what I could not:
And some vids:
Powdered Wig Machine (Desert Sessions track w/ PJ Harvey and Chris Goss)
Long Slow Goodbye
Secret Machines w/ new guitarist (vid)
Found this video of the 'Sad and Lonely' intro on YouTube from the Viper Room show in LA. Thanks saratogan62!
I like the new version. It's nice to not hear him not play a 'cover'.
But, I'm an instigator...here's the old version:
Kings of Leon: new record, tour
via email update-
First single off Only By The Night -"Sex On Fire"
"Sex On Fire", the first single off Only By The Night can be heard now on MySpace. The song will be available from iTunes on August 12. The video is being shot in Los Angeles this week and is being directed by the renowned Sophie Muller.
New US Tour Announced
Kings of Leon have confirmed their first North American tour in support of the band’s new record, Only By The Night. The album will be released on September 23rd, and the tour kicks off on street date with an exclusive club show at New York’s Webster Hall. It will continue through October and November, ending November 19th at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, TN. More info will be available soon at KingsOfLeon.com.
23 New York, NY Webster Hall w/The Whigs
October (w/The Stills and We Are Scientists)
11 Las Vegas, NV The Joint
12 San Diego, CA House of Blues
15 Los Angeles, CA Nokia Theatre
17 San Francisco, CA Warfield Theatre
18 San Francisco, CA Warfield Theatre
20 Seattle, WA Paramount Theatre
21 Portland, OR Schnitzer Hall
23 Denver, CO The Fillmore Auditorium
25 Austin, TX Austin Music Hall
26 Oklahoma City, OK Bricktown Events Center
28 Houston, TX Verizon Wireless Theater
29 Dallas, TX Palladium Ballroom
31 Chicago, IL Aragon Ballroom
November (w/The Whigs and We Are Scientists)
1 Minneapolis, MN Orpheum Theatre
3 St. Louis, MO The Pageant
5 Milwaukee, WI The Eagles Ballroom
7 Toronto, ONT Kool Haus
8 Detroit, MI The Fillmore
10 Washington, DC DAR Constitution Hall
12 Boston, MA Orpheum Theatre
15 Philadelphia, PA Electric Factory Ballroom
18 Atlanta, GA The Tabernacle
19 Nashville, TN Nashville Municipal Auditorium
Video: Kings of Leon - 'California Waiting' (live)
Sunset Junction, August 23rd and 24th - Black Keys and BSS headline!
The annual Sunset Junction street-fair, Farmer's Market and outdoor show festival is upon us again, LA hipster-folk :)
The Black Keys and Broken Social Scene are headlining each respective date. Don't miss it! Bring your appetite (awesome food stands), spending money for all the vendors and comfortable shoes.
Video: Broken Social Scene - 'Almost Crimes'
One Day As A Lion - NEW SINGLE UP!!
The formidable duo of Zach de la Rocha and Jon Theodore, well, the sound is out.
"Wild International" is now up on their MySpace page (not Zach's idea, I'm sure). Be sure to give it a listen. It has the familiarity of a savage RATM riff and the metallic-robot drone riff us indie rockers and revolutionaries alike have grown to love.
Check it out-
Natasha Shneider, May 22, 1956 - July 2, 2008
Natasha Shneider, the beautiful keyboard player and singer of band Eleven and one-time member of Queens of the Stone Age has passed away from cancer. She was 51.
As a fan of Eleven, QOTSA and great music in general, I am deeply saddened as we all are.
The first post showed up on Troy van Leewen's new project's blog, Sweethead:
'Natasha Shneider, musician extraordinaire, former actress, singer of the ground-breaking band ELEVEN, and one-time QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE keyboard player, died today at 11:11am of cancer. She was a brilliant, beautiful, and ballsy woman who will be missed deeply by all those who knew her and who knew her work. Send your loving thoughts her way in the universe.'
It was followed with an update to her Wikipedia entry, a subsequent article on Billboard.com and a statement posted on the QOTSA.com page:
'On July 2nd, at 11:11 AM, Natasha Shneider passed away. She ended her time in this Life with the style and poetry that she lived all the days previous, crossing over while held in the arms of her closest and dearest. No words can encapsulate the unwaivering strength she provided, adversities she overcome, the talents she possessed & nutured, the sharpness of her wit nor the beautiful complexity of her intellect. We are so thankful for her influence & the gift of her friendship.
A celebration of Natasha Shneider will be held in Hollywood at the Henry Fonda Theatre on Saturday, Aug 16th. Further details will be released shortly. All proceeds of the benefit and donations made will go to the relieve the burden of Natasha's fight against cancer. To donate, go to NatashaShneider.org
Now is all we have. May you all make the most of it.'
As you read, there will be a celebration of the life of Natasha Shneider at the Henry Fonda Theatre in Hollywood on Saturday August 16th.
Condolences can be left on Eleven's Myspace page.
QOTSA w/ Natasha:
'Broken Box'
Zach de la Volta? Rage frontman's new band, EP
(Image courtesy of Anti- Records)
Appearing on the Anti- Records site, One Day As A Lion will release their self-titled EP on 7/22. The band consists of Rage's Zach de la Rocha and ex-Mars Volta drummer Jon Theodore.
Track list:
01 Wild International
02 Ocean View
03 Last Letter
04 If You Fear Dying
05 One Day as a Lion
Rage Against the Machine - "Freedom"
TV on the Radio - new material?
That was the first new image to pop onto TVOTR's MySpace page tonight. I've really been on a Young Liars EP kick so, this is just what I needed :)
It looks very Nine Inch Nails - Year: Zero-ish. There is another picture on there that adds to it.
For you LA fans, they are (what appears to be) co-headlining the San Diego Street Scene with the Black Crowes.
See you there.
TV on the Radio - 'Satellite'
(some random fan video)
Goat Punishment (call me late from '98)
During their hiatus from '97-'00, Weezer was still actively touring, kind of...under the name Goat Punishment. This name brought in the longtime fans who instantly recognized the pseudonym.
In '98, while playing a show under their afore mentioned hiatus, they blew through a setlist of all Nirvana covers!
Here are some vids I stumbled on, courtesy of "the tube":
You can find more audio tracks on grungegopher's YouTube channel.
Death From Above 1979 - if you missed them, it's okay - read this!
Few duos short of Tubbs and Crockett... (pause)
...have been able to match the furiosity and intensity of (formerly existing) dance-punk band Death From Above 1979 - consisting of drummer/vocalist Sebastian Grainger and bassist Jesse Keeler aka JFK.
Their original name "Death From Above" involved them in a dispute early on with DFA Records, forcing them to add the 1979 to their name. This year was reflective of, well, in Sebastian's own words-
"1979 is the year of my birth,
1979 is the year of Off the Wall,
1979 is the year of Pleasure Principle,
1979 is the last year of the last cool decade,
1979 is scratched into my arm,
1979 is scratched into my arm,
1979 is scratched into my fucking arm."
Armed with "only" Keeler's Rickenbacker bass and solid state crunch-tone, Grainger's basic drum set-up is constantly assaulted with berzerker attacks while producing the most aggressive and pop-sensible electro-rock records of the past decade. All the while, supplying a soundtrack for an angry (and enjoyable) sex session or a savage night in the city.
DFA1979 exploded on the scene with the "Heads Up" EP in December 2002 which gave us the first taste of what was to come with tracks such as "Too Much Love" and a live version of "Do It!". Followed up by the "Romantic Rights"EP in April 2004 - these early releases paved the way for the full-length "I'm a Woman, You're a Machine" in late 2004.
Sadly, their one and only full length would mark the end of any new recordings under the Death From Above 1979 name, aside from "Romance Bloody Romance", a remix and b-sides release in October 2005.
On August 3, 2006 the band was officially disbanded.
Jesse Keeler posted a message in the official Death from Above 1979 forum which read-
“I know its been forever since I wrote anything on here. I'm sure by now most of you assume the band isn't happening anymore since there are no shows, no work on a new album, etc. well. I wanted to let you know that your assumptions are correct. We decided to stop doing the band... Actually we decided that almost a year ago. We finished off our scheduled tour dates because there were good people working for us who relied on us to make a living and buy Christmas presents and pay rent etc. We couldn't just cancel everything and leave them out to dry... Plus I think we wanted to see if we would reconsider after being out on the road. Our label was really hoping that we would change our minds, so they asked us to keep quiet about the decision for at first. Well, it's been quite a while now and we are still very sure the band won't happen again, so I guess it's time to say something.(...)"
For those looking to hear more from these dudes, check out Grainger's former (new project in the works some have said...) band Femme Fatale (the "Fire Baptism" album featured JFK on drums/percussion). They are more hardcore compared to DFA1979 and quite the listen. Keeler's current project is electro-band MSTRKRFT and Sebastian's is with a band called The Mountains.
And, let's not forget "Romantic Rights" is the opening theme for the MTV show Human Giant.
List of bands that need to play together again while they are still healthy and alive:
1. At the Drive-In (RIP to Jeremy Ward though)
2. Death From Above 1979
3. The Smiths
Yeah, it's like that.
"Romantic Rights":
"Do It!"(live):
RHCP disband!
NME.com is reporting that the band has decided to take a break for at least a year due to an exhaustive schedule, more family time as well as side projects from John Frusciante and Flea.
Anthony Kiedis told Rolling Stone that at the end of their Stadium Arcadium tour, they all thought:
'Let's not do anything Red Hot Chili Peppers-related for a minimum of one year, and just live and breathe and eat and learn new things.
He added: "I'm just home, hanging out with this really cool little kid, learning how to surf. But I'm starting to get just a little bit of a tingle that it would be nice to start thinking about songs and pieces of music. But just pieces.'
There is no formal announcement on the Chili Peppers website.
Rest well sirs.
Video: "By the Way" (courtesy of Warner Bros. Records)
Awesome show alert: Built to Spill
Pitchforkmedia.com is reporting that Built to Spill will perform Perfect From Now On in it's entirety, prior to their All Tomorrow's Party appearance.
The singular, L.A. date also boasts Camper Van Beethoven running through Key Lime Pie.
Built to Spill, Camper Van Beethoven
09-12 Pioneertown, CA - Pappy and Harriet's
new Autolux track!
As always, ROBERT DENSWORTH brought us the report. You can check out the song on their page - Autolux MySpace page
Blog as posted by Mr. Densworth-
the single is now up on myspace.
so sorry for the delay/hangup.
there were a few complications
that were beyond autolux.
thanks for being patient.
audience no. 2 will be available shortly to buy on iTunes, etc.
i will let you know when it's up.
thank you.
robert densworth
Interview @ SXSW w/ Eugene from Autolux:

The Roots.
I don't listen to hip-hop like I used to when I was younger but, it doesn't mean I don't retain the loves for solid beats and good grooves.
Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Slum Village - conscious artists like that will always hold my attention.
However, it's all about The Roots my babies-
"You Got Me" (sans Jill Scott)
Though an earlier iteration, I don't believe there's ever been a more formidable rap duo since Eric B. and Rakim than Black Thought and Malik B.
Fortunately, I've seen them early and later in their evolution (last year's Coachella, before the RATM reunion).
Don't stop making music - ever.
To LA: Fiery Furnaces @ Spaceland!!!
That's right, your favorite indie-rock siblings are hitting the road (again) with dates that include playing with the Cool Kids and Raconteurs, respectively.
For the lucky LA hipsters (like myself, minus the hipster)-
fri. 05-30 Los Angeles, CA - Spaceland
sat. 05-31 Los Angeles, CA - Spaceland
VIDEO: "Benton Harbor Blues"
new Weezer - 'Pork and Beans'
Amazon is streaming part of the new Weezer single from the assumed, "red-album", due out 6/17/08.
Check it out:
Pork and Beans
"Undone (The Sweater Song)"
Forecast of rain for Coachella...
News out of the Coachella camp today has Prince added to the lineup as a Saturday headliner.
Lollapalooza lineup is stellar; Radiohead playing Hollywood Bowl
Super-thanks to Pitchfork for the info!
Lollapalooza will take place August 1-3 at Grant Park in the Windy City. Who's playing? Well, the official lineup released today and that earlier leak from the Sun Times was right on:
Rage Against the Machine
Nine Inch Nails
Kanye West
The Raconteurs
Bloc Party
Gnarls Barkley
The Black Keys
Broken Social Scene
Love and Rockets
Flogging Molly
Cat Power
Lupe Fiasco
The National
Explosions in the SKy
Gogol Bordello
Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks
Rogue Wave
The Go! Team
Grizzly Bear
The Gutter Twins
The Whigs
...and the rest...
Radiohead update info. for second leg of North American tour:
05-05 West Palm Beach, FL - Cruzan Amphitheatre *
05-06 Tampa, FL - Ford Amphitheatre *
05-08 Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphitheatre *
05-09 Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre *
05-11 Bristow, VA - Nissan Pavilion at Stone Ridge *
05-14 St. Louis, MO - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre *
05-17 Houston, TX - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion *
05-18 Dallas, TX - Superpages.com Center *
06-06 Dublin, Ireland - Malahide #
06-07 Dublin, Ireland - Malahide #
06-09 Paris, France - Bercy #
06-10 Paris, France - Bercy #
06-12 Barcelona, Spain - Parc del Fòrum (Daydream Festival) *#^$
06-14 Nimes, France - Arenes #
06-15 Nimes, France - Arenes #
06-17 Milan, Italy - Civica Arena #
06-18 Milan, Italy - Civica Arena #
06-20 Neuhausen ob Eck, Germany - Southside Festival
06-22 Scheeßel, Germany - Hurricane Festival
06-24 London, England - Victoria Park #
06-25 London, England - Victoria Park #
06-27 Glasgow, Scotland - Glasgow Green #
06-29 Manchester, England - Lancashire County Cricket Club #
07-01 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Westerpark #
07-03 Roskilde, Denmark - Roskilde Festival
07-05 Werchter, Belgium - Rock Werchter Festival
07-06 Arras, France - Main Square Festival
07-08 Berlin, Germany - Wuhlheide
08-01 Chicago, IL - Grant Park (Lollapalooza)
08-03 Indianapolis, IN - Verizon Wireless Music Center %
08-04 Cleveland, OH - Blossom Music Center %
08-06 Montreal, Quebec - Parc Jean-Drapeau %
08-08 Jersey City, NJ - Liberty State Park (All Points West Festival)
08-09 Jersey City, NJ - Liberty State Park (All Points West Festival)
08-12 Camden, NJ - Susquehanna Bank Center %
08-13 Mansfield, MA - Tweeter Center %
08-15 Toronto, Ontario - Molson Amphitheatre %
08-19 Vancouver, British Columbia - Thunderbird Stadium *
08-20 Auburn, WA - White River Amphitheatre *
08-22 San Francisco, CA - Golden Gate Park (Outside Lands Festival)
08-24 Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl *
08-25 Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl *
08-27 Chula Vista, CA - Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre *
08-28 Santa Barbara, CA - Santa Barbara Bowl *
10-04 Tokyo, Japan - Saitama Super Arena
10-05 Tokyo, Japan - Saitama Super Arena
* with Liars
# with Bat for Lashes
^ with Low, Clinic, Modeselektor
$ with Ensemble Nacional de España de Música Contemporánea, performing pieces by Jonny Greenwood and Radiohead
% with Grizzly Bear
Liars - Army of Me (Bjork cover)
The track is from Sterogum's Enjoyed: A Tribute to Björk's Post-
original version/great video-
Lollapalooza '08 taking shape
Confirmations courtesy of the Lollapalooza forums-
Rage Against the Machine
Bloc Party
Nine Inch Nails
Gnarls Barkley
Flogging Molly
Black Lips
Jimmy Eat World
...Miley Cyrus is confirmed too.
Radiohead Tour Update [3/31]
I'll probably be at 2 of those SoCal dates :)
Submitted the news tip to Pitchfork so, we'll see if they post it too.
Updated North American locations-
Fri 8
All Points West Festival
New York, NY
Sat 9
All Points West Festival
New York, NY
Fri 22
Outside Lands Festival
San Francisco, CA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Los Angeles, CA
Montreal, Canada
Philadelphia, PA
San Diego, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Seattle, WA
- Source: Radiohead.com
"High and Dry" from The Bends-
"Right Hand on My Heart" by The Whigs
The video debuted on MTV2's Subterranean this week:
Portishead - Machine Gun (vid)
That "drum sample" is live my babies...
Make mix tapes, not war.
Here's your hypothesis English buffs:
Human survival depends on the continued evolution, existence and perpetuation of the homemade mix tape.
Well, that's probably a bit extreme however, it's quite a useful social tool. I'd say that often, my mix tapes are compilations of bands/songs most of my friends haven't heard but, isn't the true iteration a mix of old and new? Pink Floyd and At the Drive-In, Deerhunter and Hazel...
I love nothing more than at the very least, giving someone a soundtrack for their day.
But, it's a constant evolution.
My generation has really gone through 3 adaptations-
1. Cassette/radio
- Like the Konami Code of the same generation, the play+record button combo. really had few contenders.
It was about the timing (or maybe it wasn't, creating the same type of analog-vinyl vibe?). Some songs were missing the first ten seconds or the DJ was talking over it because you couldn't run to your radio fast enough to hit play+record.
2. Napster CD's.
- It was like the bank vault was left wide open and everyone had really fast shoes...or Doc Martens (56k) and was running out with as much as they could carry.
That was just me?
Come on, everyone had at least 25 of their own "mixes" they'd made.
3. iTunes/pirated music.
- I see this as the last evolution in shared music for a very long time. A smaller and more condensed version just doesn't seem possible right now without the time vested in a new, technological infrastructure (which IS possible but so intensive) or doing it without a significant loss in sound quality (even more so).
But, that's okay. I'm cool with the way things are :)
Lemonheads live @ Malmö Festival '07
"My Drug Buddy"
Review: Black Keys – Attack and Release
Street date release: 4/1/08
On the Danger Mouse produced follow-up to 2006's “Magic Potion” (also stellar), the “Attack and Release” title is extremely evident with tracks that grab you with their teeth and throw you away. The mood of the album is immediately set by the ghostly, half-groove opener “All You Ever Wanted”. Danger Mouse's production is immediately heard and the union is analog, sampled, “synthy” and rich.
“I Got Mine” immediately takes you to a garage somewhere in Akron for a jam straight from a Keys practice session, or so it sounds. Raw and crash symbol infused, Auerbach sings, “I was a movin' man, in my younger days” over a fuzzed and notey lick. At about 2:00, Danger Mouse drops in some haunting samples mixed with what sound like 8-bit raindrops.
Immediately into the first single and prog. rocking “Strange Times”; as in the previous track, Danger Mouse and the Keys meet perfectly in the middle.
The layered “Psychotic Girl” (one of my favs) brings back the banjo and drum-machine sound (they're live though) to meet with a DM section that I can only describe as “the soundtrack to a mystery while riding “Pirates of the Carribean” on acid."
What would it sound like if the Black Keys were abducted by aliens while rehearsing in a 747 test hangar? Answer: “Lies”.
The two-part track that follows- “Remember Me”, sides A and B, begins with the mellow and lazy-snared “Side A”. In my head, the track immediately produces imagery of Chief from “...Cuckoo's Nest”, under-water...
The “motor running-down” (me and Danger Mouse love the DL-4) and ending synth-dots are amazing (sounds like a sampled backwards guitar).
Don't let that scare you.
It's an amazing precursor to “Side B”, a kick-down the door jam with a heavy, surf-rock solo that seals it.
“Same Old Thing” - After a 70's, detective intro., the reverb-heavy lick starts to bring the album to the start of it's “come down”.
A sustained fuzz-attack slowly gains strength to battle the explosions coming off of Carney's drum heads.
Over the track of what sounds like a computer scrambling numbers, a post-hook strum completes a 60's, pop-psyche riff in "So He Won't Break". It concludes with the guitar sounding like it's being played through a 10w amp turned to 11.
“Oceans and Streams” brings you back to the party for one last drink. Organ-flares introduce a double-time symbol pattern by Patrick Carney. An “Akron special” solo is thrown-in, quickly back into the riff and then a last stand by the slide-steel.
The Dan Auerbach and Jessica Lea Mayfield duet “Thing Ain't Like They Used to Be” closes the album like a cigarette burning-out on the ground.
Rating: 4.8/5
Rogue Tech. Tip #2 - Partition is there, just not recognized.
Windows XP: After system change, your partition is no longer displayed or detected in your boot list.
Perhaps this has happened to you-
After a major system change whether it be a service pack install or BIOS flash, you reboot and oh shizz, your main partition (usually C:) is booting automatically with no option to select your other partition.
The following will help you as long as you don't have a super-complicated drive set-up.
Basically, all you're doing is altering the BOOT.ini file which lists your currently installed operating systems for a multi-boot system.
1. Right click on My Computer from your start menu and select properties. This should bring up your system properties screen.
2. Click on the advanced tab at the top and then on settings, right under startup and recovery.
3. At the new window, click on edit.
You should now see your BOOT.ini file displayed in notepad. This is where we can edit.
This is probably what you see (what I saw too)-
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
The last part of the script is really the part we need to focus on. When you have created a secondary partition correctly and properly installed the OS, you should see an additional line with the secondary partition info. Since this is not the case here, we need to add it in.
*Again, this isn't for a super-complex set-up.*
The partition you added is most likely named D: or E:, maybe F: but, it doesn't matter.
The line for our main operating system reads as-
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
Notice the partition (1) part...
To get it to recognize our lost partition, simply add to the bottom:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Alt. Boot" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
And where it says "Alt. Boot", you can rename to anything you want - this is what you will see when you have your boot options back. Close the window, save the changes.
Your BOOT.ini should now look like-
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Alt. Boot" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
When you reboot your system, before you get to the welcome screen, you should see something like the screen below with your main operating system listed and whatever you named the reinstated one: Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
Black Keys. new track. live from Akron.
This (live) song (...which I found on YouTube) is the second half of a two-part track called 'Remember Me'. This is 'Side B', a 2:00 jam after the more mellow, lazy-snared, 'Side A'.
Rogue Tech. Tip #1 - Firefox Tab History
Firefox: Changing number of recently closed tabs
Couldn't find anything on this so I gave it a shot myself.
I'm using Firefox
1. Type about:config into the address window.
2. Scroll down to browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo.
3. Double click and change the number to the amount of tabs you'd like to recall.
Click 'OK' and you're done. You may want to bookmark this because you can customize a lot of other things from this page too.
I don't know what the max. number is but, I just keep it at 20-30 which is plenty.
Balanced Attack (and Release)
It was a good late-night to morning transition with the leak of the Black Keys' new album 'Attack and Release'. Thus far, it's been an exceptional voyage and I expect more of the same (being only 6 tracks in).
Early review: The best way to describe it this early on would be a ghostly, folk-supernova with excellent lo-fi vs. hi-fi balance. Progressive at points and classic Keys at others.
The production by Dangermouse is impressive. Hints of 50's pop and Beatle-esque chord pops lend themselves to a Grey Album vibe but, this album is all Dangermouse x Black Keys.
Sonic Youth sounds like kids skating in 1980...
Well, this song does anyway..
'they don't sound like the album!"
I heard some dude once say that when he saw K.I.S.S. live for the first time, he was extremely disappointed because they 'didn't sound like the album'. Later in his adolescence, he realized that a truly great band doesn't 'sound like the album'.
Yeah, in the applicable rock band, perhaps the solos are right on and hit that one perfect note that makes everything right in the universe for at least a moment, like in Weezer's 'Buddy Holly' - you know which one.
Fine.. (it's at 3:26 on the vid)
Or, the solos are complete different and your mind just gets blown through the dude behind you.
Nonetheless, you get the point.
If you think this is a 'K.I.S.S. post' you've completely missed the point. I'm not even a K.I.S.S. fan.
It all culminates below - this is some rough (understatement) footage recorded at the 100 Club in London of an early Queens of the Stone Age show supporting 'Era Vularis'.
The muffled sound, pixelated colors and overall vibe just seem to wholly convey what it is to be rocked out by the Queens.
Plus, this song rules.
'Turning on the Screw' > Obama + Hilary (Hilama or Clintama, whatever you prefer..)
sometimes, it’s easy to fall in love with pop.
Everyone has their guilty pleasures when it comes to things like food and music and that's okay. But, most always seem to lock away the latter in their soul-basement like a half-human, lizard monster named Gorath.
However, it's important to realize that most of the bands that would fall under the 'guilty pleasures' heading are products of a power-pop formula, no matter how chugging the guitars or prevalent the use of major-chords.
Since the days of early Motown Records and "Hitsville USA", that perfect equation of melodies and intro-verse-chorus-verse-bridge-chorus structure has lent itself to such pop perfection as The Temptations, The Beatles, Sonic Youth as well as Nirvana. The Shins have been able to achieve what I hear as a neo-50s/60s pop sound. A present day and adapted Beach Boys sound, if you will.
Granted, Sonic Youth isn't hard-wired to the basic pop-structure but, their understanding of it allows them to pretty much do whatever they want.
I have no shame in saying that Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands ever. Power-pop perfection. Everyone of those riffs hooked you within 10 seconds - and that's the dark beauty. Great pop is meant to hook you as you're switching the stations or mindlessly dredging through your presets. Kelly Clarkson's 'Since U Been Gone' is a prime example of effective power-chord progression, sound management and pop-understanding. That song is good. Too bad, right?
That is not to say that the main indie scene along with many a noise-pop band has not forged their own stake. My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless" is a sonic masterpiece. Kevin Shields ability to mold that wall of sound into that same colors on the records cover is the only true way to describe it.
Now, with bands like Voxtrot, Rogue Wave - you have a reason to say 'I really dig a good pop song'. With the re-emergence of sub-pop and super-noise-pop bands such as Animal Collective and No Age, the whole 'pop' thing expands more. Pop sensibility has become accepted by more and I love to see it.
I hate labeling things by genre but, sometimes you have to.
This even applies to the heavier stuff.
Always keep your ears open and give things a chance but, still except songs for what they are and don't get a 'good genre pop-song' confused with 'I like this band'.
I'm a student of the art of pop - what else can I say?